News & Announcements

"Overview of COVID-19 Pandemic and the precautionary measures adopted by the Kingdom and the University"
Corona virus (COVID-19) was discovered in the city of Wuhan, China in December 2019. In a short period of time, the disease was declared a pandemic and continued its spread, threatening the world's population, with more than four million confirmed cases in 187 countries, and more than 280 thousand deaths worldwide to date.
During this crisis, Saudi Arabia has been at the forefront of countries in combating the coronavirus pandemic. The Kingdom is limiting its spread and ensuring the safety of all residents and citizens by applying comprehensive preventive and precautionary measures, and supporting the health sector and providing free healthcare for everyone. The precautionary measures include the suspension of attendance at work places, the closure of commercial complexes, a ban on gatherings in public places and the imposition of lockdowns and curfews on cities to achieve maximum social distancing. To raise the awareness needed to prevent the coronavirus, the Ministry of Health has issued an awareness guide in several languages, targeting citizens and expatriates alike.
In compliance with the precautionary measures taken by the Kingdom to reduce the spread of COVID-19, KFUPM applied a number of the procedures to fight this pandemic. These included
suspending attendance at the University for students and staff, stopping all social activities and events, closing the commercial complexes and imposing a curfew on-campus. KFUPM implemented an e-learning platform, promoted the use of online communication to help ease the work-from-home process, disseminated the approved preventive guidelines and messages, conducted a disclosure survey for all University members, provided the necessary training for the medical team to conduct daily tests and carried out cleaning and disinfecting operations for all facilities.
It is highly recommended to receive information from the following reliable sources:
- Health protocols to limit the spread of the Corona-Covid-19 virus (Ministry of Heath)
- Ministry of Health website:
- Ministry of Health on Twitter: @SaudiMOH
- Live Well on Twitter: @LiveWellMOH
- Or call ( 937 )

The “Chemathon” talented undergraduate student research competition will be conducted for male/female students all around Gulf countries. The chemistry department at KFUPM & SAICSC Society jointly organizing the Chemathon as a part of the technical program of the conference GCA-2022.
ما هو كيماثون
ستقام مسابقة ” كيماثون ” لأبحاث الطلاب الجامعيين و الموهوبين من الذكور والإناث في جميع دول الخليج بتظيم مشترك من الجمعية السعودية العالمية للعلوم الكيميائية و قسم الكيمياء في جامعة الملك فهد للبترول والمعادن كجزء من البرنامج الفني لمؤتمر مؤتمرمنظمة الخليج للكيمياء 2022