Master of Polymer Science and Engineering


The mission of the Polymer Science and Engineering program is to provide students with a deep and comprehensive understanding of polymer chemistry that is linked with a wide range of essential knowledge and learning experiences related to engineering fields. The program will provide students with a balance of theory, applications, and research experience. In addition, the program will prepare professional graduates who can positively be involved in the research and development of the polymer industry.

Program Educational Objectives

Graduates of the Polymer Science and Engineering program should have attained one or more of the following objectives within a few years after completion of their degrees:

  1. Pursue a successful career in the field of polymer science, chemical industry, petrochemical industry, or a related field or engage in entrepreneurship.
  2. Continue their professional development and lifelong learning through self-learning, continuing education, and professional certification.
  3. Advance their careers by demonstrating leadership and interpersonal skills including teamwork and communication skills.

Semester 1 (Fall)

Term Course Code Course Title
Course 1 CHEM 529 Catalysis in Polymerization
Course 2 CHEM 537 Polymer Synthesis

Semester 2 (Spring)

Term Course Code Course Title
Course 1 CHEM 630 Physical Chemistry and Characterization of Polymers
Course 2 CHE 540 Applied Polymer Rheology
Course 3 CHEM 619 Project
Note: CHEM 619 is registered with zero credit in this term.

Semester 3 (Fall)

Term Course Code Course Title
Course 1 CHEM 531 Functional Polymers
Course 2 ME 578 Mechanical Properties of Engineering Polymers
Project CHEM 619 Project

Semester 4 (Spring)

Term Course Code Course Title
Course 1 CHEM 530 Polymeric Materials in Oil and Gas Industries
Course 2 CHE 541 Polymer Processing
Project CHEM 619 Project

Student Enrollment and Graduation Data

Batch No. Academic Year Enrollment Graduation Program Duration
Batch 4 2023-2024 7 - (2) Two Years
Batch 3 2022-2023 9 - (2) Two Years
Batch 2 2021-2022 11 11 (1) One Year
Batch 1 2020-2021 20 19 (1) One Year

Enrollment Statistics

Annual Graduate Student Enrollment and Graduation Data

No. Academic Year Term Term Code Enrolled Students Graduated Students
Fall 21-1 13 0
Current 2021-2022 Spring 21-2 11 0
Summer 21-3 NA NA
Fall 20-1 26 0
1st Batch 2020-2021 Spring 20-2 20 0
Summer 20-3 20 18
  • Enrollment figures are based on data available at the beginning of each term.
  • Expected to Graduate by the end of the Term, NA = Not Available yet.

Student Outcomes

  1. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
  2. an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
  3. an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
  4. an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
  5. an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
  6. an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
  7. an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
  8. an ability to undertake a research project resulting in a report that demonstrates a mastery of the subject matter and a high level of communication skills.


  • The program is multidisciplinary and provides students with modern knowledge and practical experience in polymer chemistry and engineering: polymer design, synthesis, characterization, and manufacturing processes.
  • It covers the use and importance of polymers in the oil and gas fields.
  • The program benefits from the state-of-art research facilities available in the departments of chemistry, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering and in the research institute at KFUPM.
  • Career prospects for graduates with specialist knowledge in polymer science and engineering are strong, particularly the petrochemical industry.
  • The economic prospect of the petrochemical industry in the kingdom is showing significant growth. The Saudi Arabian general investment authority (SAGIA) announced in 2019 more than US 2 Billion investments in new petrochemical facilities in the kingdom.
  • The courses are taught by experts in their field providing in-depth and cutting-edge knowledge


Course Outline

Coordinating Department Chemistry
College College of Sciences
ECTS Credits
Credit Level
Number of Credits
Summary Basic concept of polymer chemistry, fundamental bases for understanding the principles associated with the polymerization reactions
Course description Basic concept of polymer chemistry, fundamental bases for understanding the principles associated with the polymerization reactions using a number of traditional and contemporary polymerization techniques (step-growth polymerization, radical polymerization, ionic polymerization, ring-opening polymerization, polymerization by transition metal catalysts) with an emphasis on the mechanisms, kinetics, stereochemistry, structure, structure-property relationships and resulting Physical, Chemical, Mechanical, Thermal and Engineering properties of Polymers, Polymer Processing and Rheology, properties of polymers.

Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)

Pre-requisites Graduate Standing
Other requirements

Course Delivery Information

Academic year 2020/21, Available to all students (SV1)
Course Start Semester 1 (201)
Timetable: Lecture & Office Hours Lecture: MW: 6:45 pm – 8: 00 pm, Office hours: TW 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm and By appointment.
Learning and Teaching activities
Assessment Assignment type, Exam, Quizzes, …..
Additional Information (Assessment) More details on grad distribution..
No Exam Information
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, student will be able to:

1.Discuss the fundamentals and basic concepts of Polymer Chemistry. (Knowledge)
2. Describe physical and chemical properties based on polymer structure. (Knowledge)
3. Explain the polymerization reaction and reaction mechanism for different traditional and contemporary polymerization techniques. (Skills)
4.Solve problems related to kinetics, stereochemistry, structure, and structure-property relationships of polymers. (Skills)
5.Select polymers for given applications based on their chemical and physical properties. (Competence)
Reading List

Additional Information

Graduate Attributes and Skills
Additional Class Delivery Information


Course Instructor Dr. Shaikh Asrof Ali
Course Assistant

Course Instructor

Dr. Shaikh Asrof Ali

Course Number ME 578 (3-0-3)
Course Title Mechanical
Properties of Engineering Polymers
Course Main
To broaden the knowledge of students about polymers, their applications, and
their mechanical properties.
To study the yield behavior and breaking phenomena of polymers.
3. To study the viscoelastic behavior of polymers.
4. To study the behavior of polymer composites.
Course Leaning
1.      Identify the distinctive mechanical behavior
of polymers.
2.      Interpret the high ductility phenomena
of polymers.
3.      Correlate the mechanical behavior to
the molecular structure of polymers.
4.      Estimate the viscoelastic behavior
of polymers.
5.      Design materials based on polymer
Catalog Course
General introduction to polymers and their
applications. Types of mechanical behavior. Hookean and rubber elasticity.
Plastic deformation. Fracture. Linear viscoelasticity. Dynamic mechanical
behavior and testing. Experimental methods. Mechanical properties of
polymeric composites.
Pre-Requisites Graduate
Breakdown of Topics
1.    Introduction
to polymeric materials: Structure of polymers (Chapter 1 & notes).
2.    The
deformation of an elastic solid (Chapter 2).
3.    Rubber-like
elasticity (Chapter 3).
4.    Yield
and instability in polymers (Chapter 11).
5.    Breaking
phenomena (Chapter 12).
6.    Polymer
Composites: Macro- and Micro-scale (Chapter 8).
7.    Principles
of linear viscoelasticity (Chapter 4).
8.    The
measurement of viscoelastic behavior (Chapter 5).
9.    Time-temperature
equivalence (Chapter 6).
10.  Anisotropic
mechanical behavior (Chapter 7).

Course Instructor

Dr. Khaled Mezghani

Course Outline

Coordinating Department Chemistry
College College of Sciences
ECTS Credits
Credit Level
Number of Credits 3-0-3
Summary The main objective of this course is to provide students with an understanding of chemical functional groups and engineering of well-defined macromolecules in defining the polymer's chemical and physical properties about their applications.
Course description The course will discuss the basic understanding of the principles of design and engineering of well-defined macromolecular structures and functionalization intended for different applications. The chemical and physical characteristics of biopolymers and the functionalities required to meet the needs of the intended biological function will be presented. Conducting polymers and composites, self-healing polymers, and polymers for anticorrosive coating will also be discussed.

Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)

Pre-requisites Graduate Standing
Other requirements

Course Delivery Information

Academic year 2020/21, Available to all students (SV1)
Course Start Semester 1 (201)
Timetable: Lecture & Office Hours MW 5.20 – 6.35 PM; MW 1:00- 2.00 PM
Learning and Teaching activities
Assessment Homework assignments, Time short quizzes, Term report, Oral Presentations, Midterm, Final Examination.
Additional Information (Assessment) More detail on grad distribution
No Exam Information
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Identify various organic functional groups, structure and design to synthesis and characterize these groups as functional polymers (Knowledge)
2. Describe the unique physical and chemical properties based on polymer and biopolymer (Knowledge)
3. Think critically about chemical structure, mechanisms, reactivity, methodology and related chemical applications (Skills)
4. Solve a variety of novel problems in design, synthesis, and characterization of polymer/biopolymer for target applications (Skills)
5. Recognize the functional polymers in determining the chemical and physical properties of the emphasized polymers/biopolymers with regards to their given applications (Competence)
6. Explore potential areas of polymer research and draw scientific conclusions from experimental results through reading and understanding scientific literature (Competence).
Reading List
• Functional polymers, M. A. Jafar Mazumder, H. Sheardown, A. Al-Ahmed, Springer Nature, ISBN: 978-3-319-95988-7, 2019.
• Functional Biopolymers, M. A. Jafar Mazumder, H. Sheardown, A. Al-Ahmed, Springer Nature, ISBN: 978-3-319-95991-7, 2019.
• Smart and Functional Polymers, Jianxun Ding, Yang Li, Mingqiang Li, MDPI AG, 2019, ISBN-10: 3039215906.

Additional Information

Graduate Attributes and Skills
Additional Class Delivery Information


Course Instructor Dr. Jafar Mazumder
Course Assistant

Course Instructor

Dr. Mohammad J. Mazumder

Course Outline

Coordinating Department Chemistry
College College of Sciences
ECTS Credits
Credit Level
Number of Credits
Summary Principles of materials processing with focus on polymers.
Course description Principles of materials processing with focus on polymers. Technology, theory and analysis of the major unit processing operations for polymers and composite materials such as extrusion, injection molding and blow molding. Analysis of polymer flow in different dyes that are used in polymer processing operations.

Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)

Pre-requisites Graduate Standing
Other requirements

Course Delivery Information

Academic year 2020/21, Available to all students (SV1)
Course Start Semester 1 (201)
Timetable: Lecture & Office Hours
Learning and Teaching activities
Assessment Assignment type, Exam, Quizzes, …..
Additional Information (Assessment) More details on grad distribution..
No Exam Information

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, student will be able to:
1. Compare and contrast different industrial processes for materials manufacturing.
2. Discuss the chemistry and characteristics of different types of polymers.
3. Describe the different polymerization kinetics and their effects on polymer properties.
4. Appraise the design of polymer blends and composites and how formulations affect their properties.
5. Analyze the flow behaviors of polymers in different dyes.
6. Evaluate and select the suitable polymer process technology (e.g., extrusion, injection molding and blow molding) for polymer manufacturing.
Reading List

Additional Information

Graduate Attributes and Skills
Additional Class Delivery Information


Course Instructor Dr. Abdulhadi Al-Juhani
Course Assistant

Course Instructor

Dr. Abdulhadi Al-Juhani


Course Number CHEM
530 (3-0-3)
Course Title Polymers
in Oil & Gas Industries
Course Main Objectives 1.     
To give an overview of the
various chemical components of oil and gas chemistry
To provide an insight into the
various physical and chemical methods used in recovery and separation of oil
and gas.
To survey various methods of
preparation of nanomaterials and polymer nanocomposites
To give an insight into the role
of polymer chemistry in providing solutions for polymeric membranes and
surface coating applications
To give an insight into the role
of polymer chemistry in providing solutions for polymer nanocomposites and
polymers, used in oil spill clean-up and adsorbents.
Course Leaning Outcomes Upon completion
of this course, students will:

the origins and background of formation of oil & gas, and the
various physical and chemical processes that are employed in this
industry to recover and refine the end products.
the chemical & physical structure and functions of nanomaterials and
polymer nanocomposites.
basic chemical & physical procedures used to prepare nanomaterials
and polymer nanocomposites with the appropriate reaction conditions.
the role of key chemical functionalities and structural features of
polymers and polymer nanocomposites employed for enhanced oil recovery
and polymeric membranes for gas separation applications.
the important roles and limitations of polymer chemistry and polymer
nanocomposites in providing solutions for polymeric membranes and
surface coating applications.
basic synthetic chemistry knowledge to prepare and/or modify
nanomaterials, polymer nanocomposites and polymers, used as oil spill
clean-up and adsorbents.
Catalog Course Description Introduction
and background to the oil & gas industries, role of synthesised and
natural polymers and polymer nanocomposites in the oil & gas industries.
Nano-enhanced polymers in oil and gas, polymers for enhanced oil recovery,
oil spill cleanup, gas adsorption and sweetening. Polymers for pipeline
coating and anticorrosion. Polymers for energy storage, packaging, and heat
exchange materials.
Pre-Requisites Graduate
Weekly Breakdown of Topics 1.  Chemistry of Oil & Gas (6
Introduction to the origins and background
of formation of oil & gas, and the various physical and chemical
processes that are employed in this industry to recover and refine the end
2. Polymer Nanocomposites (7 lectures):
Introduction to nanomaterials and polymer
nanocomposites, basic chemical and physical procedures used to prepare
nanomaterials and polymer nanocomposites
3. Role of Polymers in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) (6
Associative polymer applications in chemical
injection for enhanced oil recovery (EOR); the role of key chemical
functionalities and structural features of polymers (both synthesized and
natural) and polymer nanocomposites employed for enhanced oil recovery.
4. Polymers for Oil Spill Clean Up (6 lectures):
Polymeric Materials for Oil Spill Clean
Up and Phenol Removal
Cryogel Nanocomposites for Oil Spill Clean-up.
Membranes and Adsorbents (6 lectures):
Membranes for Gas Separation; Polymer Modified/Enhanced Adsorbents for Gas
Adsorption and Sweetening. Recognize the role of key chemical functionalities and structural
features of polymers and polymer nanocomposites employed for polymeric
membranes for gas separation applications.
6. Polymeric Coatings (5 lectures):
Polymeric Pipeline Coatings for Oil and
Gas Industry.
Biopolymer Coatings.
Epoxy Composite Coatings for Enhanced
Corrosion Resistance.
Reference books: Mittal, V. Polymers in Oil & Gas
Industry, Central West Publishing (2018).
Assessment Method Midterm Exam                      (23%)
Class Work Quiz                   (15%)
Homework                             (10%)
Term Paper/Presentation       (12%)
Final Exam                             (40%)

Current Enrollment


Course Instructor

Course Number CHEM 630 (3-0-3)
Course Title Physical Chemistry and Characterization of
Course Main
of polymer chain & root mean square end-to-end distance.
kinds of molar masses & their determinations.
viscosity: Polymer viscoelasticity and rheology.
of polymer solution & phase equilibria.
equilibria of polymer solution.
properties of polymers.
Course Leaning
Upon completion of this course, students will:
Relate the
polymer microstructure to tacticity, conformation, stereochemistry, and
the importance of molar mass in dictating polymer properties.
the proper technique (like DSC, DTA, TGA, light scattering, GPC, NMR, IR,
viscosity, etc.,) for physical characterization of polymers.
the proper techniques to determine solubility number-, viscosity- and weight-average
molar masses of a polymer.
End-to-end distance and radius of gyration in a polymer chain.
problems and equations on thermodynamics of polymer solution, Flory-Huggins
Theory, Phase equilibria of polymer solution.
Discuss mechanical
properties, viscoelasticity, rheology, Newtonian, non-Newtonian viscosity.
potential areas of research on physical chemistry and characterization of
Catalog Course
Application of physical methods to the
determination of the structure of polymers, physical chemistry of
macromolecules, principles of experimental techniques and application,
correlation between structure and physical macro-properties.
Pre-Requisites Graduate Standing
Breakdown of Topics
1.     Objectives, Polymer synthesis: free
radical, cationic, anionic, condensation, Ziegler-Natta, metallocene (2
2.     Conformations of hydrocarbons/polymer
chain (1 class)
3.     Stereochemistry: tacticity (1 class)
4.     Photophysics of polymers (1 class)
5.     Number, weight, viscosity average molar
mass (1 class)
6.     Solution viscosity (1 class)
7.     Melt viscosity, determination of Tg,
Tm (1 class)
8.     Root mean square End-to-end distance in a
polymer chain (2 classes)
9.     Polymer solubility (1 class)
10.  Thermodynamics of polymer solution (TPS) (2
11.  TPS: Flory-Huggins Theory, Flory-Krigbaum
Theory (2 classes)
12.  Molecular weight Determination: Colligative
properties VPO, membrane osmometry, Gel permeation Chromatography (3 classes)
13.  Phase equilibria of polymer solution.
Polymer-polymer blend (3 classes)
14.  Light scattering: Zimm plot, Molecular
weight, virial coefficient, end-to-end distance (3 classes)
15.  Mechanical properties: tensile strain, shear
strain, etc, Maxwell and Kelvin-Voight element (2 classes)
16.  Polymer viscoelasticity and rheology,
Newtonian, non-Newtonian viscosity (2 classes)
17.  Review the course materials (2 classes)

Course Instructor

CHE 540 (3-0-3)
Applied Polymer Rheology
Main Objectives
Explain the fundamental concept
in rheology such as viscosity, viscoelasticity, stress-strain relationship.
Familiarize students with different
constitutive equations.
Describe the different types of
Rheometers and operating principles
Present the difference in
rheological properties of polymers, emulsion, suspensions, and foam.
Explain the different factors
that affect the rheological properties.
Explain the application of
rheology in different upstream and downstream industrial processes.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of
this course, the student will be able to:
1.      Learn the
fundamentals of Rheology and important concepts.
2.      Familiarize
different rheological measurement tools and their limitations.
3.      Understand
the different model equations used to calculate viscosity and other
rheological properties for different fluids.
4.      Compare the
difference in the rheology of polymers, emulsions, suspensions, and foam.
5.      Interpret
the rheological data obtained from different instruments.
Course Description
of Rheology. Concept of Viscosity and Viscoelasticity. Constitutive
Equations. Experimental Methods in Rheology. 
Rheology of Polymers. Rheology of Suspension and Emulsions. Foam
Prerequisites Graduate Standing
Breakdown in Credit Hours
Chemical Engineering: 3 credit hours
Textbook(s) Christopher W. Macosko, “Rheology:
Principles, Measurements, and Applications”, VCH Publishers Inc, NY, 1994
Reference(s) 1. Malkin, A.I, Isayev, A.I, Rheology: Concepts, Methods,
and Applications, ChemTec Pub., Ontario, Canada, 2006.
2. Gupta, R.K,  “Polymer
and composite Rheology”, second Edition, Marcel Dekker, 2000.
3. Barnes, H.A., Hutton, J.F.,
Walters, K., “An Introduction to Rheology”, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. The
Netherlands, 1993
4. Morrison, Faith A., Understanding
Rheology, Oxford University Press, 2001
5. Larson, Ronald G., The Structure
and Rheology of Complex Fluids, Oxford University Press, 1999.
Mid Exam
Final Exam
Project (30%)
Home Work+Attendance
Breakdown of Topics
Fundamental of Rheology (1 week)
Concept of Viscosity and
Viscoelasticity (3 weeks)
Constitutive Equations (1 week)
Experimental Methods in Rheology (4
Rheology of Polymers (4 weeks)
Rheology of Suspension and Emulsions
(1 week)
Foam Rheology (1 week)

Course Instructor

MS Polymer Science and Engineering

CHEM 619: Project

A graduate student will arrange with a faculty member to conduct an industrial research project related to the Polymer Science and Engineering field of study. Subsequently the students shall acquire skills and gain experiences in developing and running actual industry-based project. This project culminates in the writing of a technical report, and an oral technical presentation in front of a board of professors and industry experts.

Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

Course Instructor


Course Number CHEM 529
Course Title Catalysis in Polymerization
Course Main Objectives 1.   
understanding of how catalysts work in polymerization reactions
knowledge of how structure affects the function of catalysts
analysis of several catalytic processes
Trends and new developments in
industrial catalysts for polymerization
Course Leaning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students will:
the principles of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis.
the concepts of catalyst stability, activity, deactivation, poisoning and
key roles of catalysts in the production of polymers with precisely
controlled structures and stereochemistry.
the catalysts appropriate for various types of polymerizations.
Propose and critique competently
mechanisms of catalytic reaction.
Catalog Course Description Fundamentals of homogeneous, heterogeneous
and supported catalysis, developments in catalytic polymerization field
including early transition metal and Ziegler-Natta, metallocene and
non-metallocene, mid- and late transition metal catalysts, study the effect
of catalyst types on polymer structures, mechanistic studies of some
catalytic reactions, other examples of catalytic polymerization.
Pre-Requisites Graduate Standing
Weekly Breakdown of Topics 1.   
of Catalysis: Homogeneous and Heterogeneous
Transition metal and Ziegle-Natta Catalysts
and non-metallocene catalysts
Mid and
late transition metal catalysts
catalyst for polymerization
copolymerization with polar monomers
of catalyst types on polymer structures and properties
studies of some catalytic reactions

Course Instructor

MS Polymer Science and Engineering

CHEM 619: Project

A graduate student will arrange with a faculty member to conduct an industrial research project related to the Polymer Science and Engineering field of study. Subsequently the students shall acquire skills and gain experiences in developing and running actual industry-based project. This project culminates in the writing of a technical report, and an oral technical presentation in front of a board of professors and industry experts.

Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

Course Instructor